Educational Grant Application

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Recipient Healthcare Organization 

Main Contact 

This person must have the authority to represent the recipient organisation and must not be one of the intended beneficiaries of the funding


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Terms and Conditions 

If your application is accepted we will require you to do the following:
- Sign and return a copy of the Acceptance Form.
- Submit an invoice for the amount of the Educational Grant in order to enable B. Braun to pay the funds to you.
- Provide confirmation that the funding has been used for the purpose requested on the Feed Back Form.
- Provide evidence in the form of original documents of the amounts spent.
- Confirm that the details of the funding provided may be recorded, shared with the ABHI and published.

In addition, by making this application you confirm the following:
- That you have selected the educational event and the beneficiaries of the education event entirely at your own discretion.
- That the funding requested is not linked to, does not, and is not intended to create any obligation on you with regard to any current or future business, or opportunity, with B. Braun, nor is it intended to unduly influence any purchasing decision you may make.
- That this request for an Educational Grant does not breach any applicable healthcare code, guidance, regulation or law to which you are subject (including without limitation the ABPI, ABHI, MEDTECH Europe, BHTA or Royal College of Nursing Codes of Conduct, or the NHS Conflict of Interest Guide or other such codes).