Pain Therapy Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Product Quick Finder close Product Quick Finder Show results Choose a category or subcategory Show categories B. Braun Sharing Expertise Products and Therapies Pain Therapy Orthopedic and trauma surgery Spinal Anaesthesia Needles Pencan® NRFit® Spinal needle for spinal and diagnostic puncture Spinocan® Spinal needle for spinal and diagnostic puncture Pencan® Spinal needle for spinal and diagnostic puncture Pencan® Paed Spinal needle for spinal and diagnostic puncture Atraucan® Spinal needle for single shot technique Atraucan® Paed Spinal needle for single shot technique Spinal Introducer Needles Epidural Anaesthesia Sets for Continuous Epidural Anaesthesia Perifix® Complete Set NRFit® Set with advanced equipment for continuous Epidural Anesthesia Perifix® Filter-Set NRFit® Set for continuous Epidural Anesthesia Perifix® Pediatric Sets NRFit® Sets for continuous Epidural Anesthesia in pediatric care Perifix® Complete Set Complete procedure sets for continuous epidural anesthesia Perifix® Filter Set Sets with advanced equipment for continuous epidural anesthesia Perifix® Mini Set Sets with the basic equipment for continuous epidural anesthesia Perifix® ONE Paed Filter Sets with LOR syringe Set for continuous epidural anesthesia Espocan NRFit® Sets for combined spinal and epidural anesthesia Catheters Perifix® Soft Tip Perifix® ONE Epidural catheter Perifix® Standard Epidural catheter Needles Perican® NRFit® Epidural needle with tuohy bevel for single shot technique or to be used with an epidural catheter. Epican® Paed Caudal NRFit® Epidural needle with 32° Crawford type bevel for paediatric care Perican® Epidural needle with Tuohy bevel Perican® Paed Epidural needle with Tuohy bevel Epican® Paed Epidural needle for pediatric caudal anesthesia Combined Spinal / Epidural Anaesthesia Combined Spinal/Epidural Anaesthesia Espocan® Set for combined spinal and epidural anesthesia Peripheral Regional Anaesthesia Single Shot Needles Stimuplex® Ultra 360 NRFit® Echogenic, Stimulating Single Shot Nerve Block Needle with NRFit® Ultraplex® 360 NRFit® Echogenic Single Shot Nerve Block Needle with NRFit® Stimuplex® Ultra 360® Echogenic, Stimulating Single Shot Nerve Block Needle Ultraplex® 360 Echogenic Single Shot Nerve Block Needle BSmart™ Injection Pressure Monitor for Peripheral Nerve Blocks Sets for Continuous Technique Contiplex® C NRFit® Echogenic, stimulating catheter-over-needle system for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (cPNB) Contiplex® S Ultra 360 NRFit® Set Echogenic, stimulating catheter-through-needle system for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (cPNB) with 20° facet bevel Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra 360 NRFit® Echogenic, stimulating catheter-through-needle system for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (cPNB) with Tuohy bevel Contiplex® S Ultra 360 Sets for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (cPNB) Contiplex® Tuohy Ultra Set Continuous peripheral nerve block catheter set Contiplex® C Echogenic, stimulating catheter-over-needle system for continuous peripheral nerve blocks (cPNB) Nerve Stimulators Stimuplex® HNS 12 Nerve stimulator for peripheral nerve blocks Stimuplex® Pen Device for cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Electrode cable for Stimuplex HNS 11/12 Electrode cables for B. Braun nerve stimulators