Managing a colostomy

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Managing your colostomy

If you are a colostomate you will need to use a pouch

Finding what will suit you the most will depend on the type of colostomy you have and with what you feel the most comfortable. After your surgery, you will discover (an E.T nurse or a specialized nurse will show you) that there are different types of appliances to choose from, so you will be sure to find the right one for you.

After surgery you will be given a transparent pouch or with an inspection window in order to help you to learn how to position your pouch correctly. In time, you will be able to use and change your pouch on your own, allowing you to be completely independent. As a colostomate you will, in most cases, use a closed pouch but you can also use a drainable pouch if it suits you better. 

For more information about how to manage a colostomy, refer to how to choose your appliance.

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