Supporting the World Continence Week
The World Continence Week (WCW), this year from June 17th – 23rd, is a health campaign run by the International Continence Society (ICS) every year to raise awareness of continence related issues.
This year we want to tell the story of Sonja Häsler, who since 2005 is bound to a wheelchair after an accident involving traumatic brain trauma and spinal strain. Through her testimony she wants to encourage people to continue having an active life despite their handicap.
Latest News
Discovering the world in a wheel chair
Laying in the hospital right after the accident, I had plenty of time, to think about all things that will be different or even impossible in my future. One of my biggest preoccupations was that I could no longer pursue my urge to discover the world. I felt very, very sad...
Helping hands all the time
When I was a child, I have been dreaming of having my own gymnastic hall instead of a common girls-room, which I even had to share with my elder sister! This dream hasn’t got exactly true up to day, but I am still working on it! But I was already very creative as child...
Challenging daily life
Being at the rehab clinic, everybody wishes moving home again as soon as possible. So did I, even though I was still scared of certain situations. Plenty hours of different therapies prepared me to make this important step and I felt ready to (re)start my private life. But as I learned later on, this was one of the biggest errors in my life!
Don't go - doesn't exist for me
I’ve always had a fighting spirit, but what really helped me to restart my life in a wheelchair was sports! I love being in sports halls. I like their smell, their noise … and I really miss them a lot, when I'm prevented from training there.
My story
My name is Sonja Häsler. I’m 42 years old, Swiss, living in Basel. I’m a Bank Business Management Assistant by profession but working in a travel agency, speaking German, English, French, Swedish and a little bit Spanish. For me, sports have always been a kind of lifeblood and in many respects crucial in my life.