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Congratulations WHO!
B. Braun celebrates the 10th anniversary of the WHO program, which has achieved major improvements in hand hygiene to help reduce HAI.
"Appetite for life"
Marek Lichota, a Polish patient living with short bowel syndrome, gets his quality of life back with parenteral nutrition.
B. Braun employees from around the world report on their efforts against Corona
In a crisis, we need people who step up, and take on responsibility. Who do more than is asked of them. Who support those who cannot support themselves.
- Cardio Thoracic-Surgery
- Continence Care & Urology
- Degenerative Spinal Disorders
- Diabetes Care
- Extracorporeal Blood Treatmen
- General Open Surgery
- Infection Prevention
- Infusion Therapy
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopaedic Joint Replacement
- Pain Therapy
- Ostomy Care
- Wound Management
- Nutrition Therapy