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Every year wounds cost the NHS £8.3 billion, 85% of this spend is on chronic wounds1

Chronic wounds often occur when there is a delay in the stages of wound healing, they are usually stuck in the inflammatory phase of healing2.  Slough and exudate are produced during this inflammatory phase and there is often a biofilm present, these factors can delay healing further – creating a cycle causing the wound healing process to be further delayed or stalled3,4,5.

Wound bed preparation addresses slough, biofilm and other wound debris – removing barriers to wound healing.  International consensus recommends wound cleansing, debridement and early implementation of anti-biofilm strategies to promote healthy wound environments6,7.

Wound bed preparation. Wound cleansing and wound cleaning

Cleanse | Debride | Prevent

Desired Treatment Outcomes: Cleanse | Debride | Prevent

Our three-step approach will help you make a difference to your chronic wounds by targeting slough and biofilm, this is backed by clinical evidence showing:

  • 4 weeks faster healing8
  • Reduction in slough9,10,11
  • Reduced wound infections11,12

Wound Bed Preparation


Time to Make a Difference
Prontosan Solution


Lift slough and debris in no time
Prontosan Debridement Pad


Working around the clock
Prontosan Gel X

Combined system

"Use Prontosan® as a combined system"

Using all three products together works particularly well

“My main objectives in leg ulcer care are to free wounds from infection or biofilm, manage exudate and debride any slough or necrotic tissue from the wound bed.”

"I have found that using all three products in combination works particularly well… Together, all three stop biofilm reforming, reduce healing time and help to prevent wound infection“4

Read more about Practice Nurse, Katie Bennett’s experience using the Prontosan range of products for wound bed preparation in this Practical Patient Care article.

Download your copy of this Practical Patient Care article

First published in Practical Patient Care (NS Media Group)


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  1. Guest JF, Fuller GW, Vowden P. Cohort study evaluating the burden of wounds to the UK’s National Health Service in 2017/2018: update from 2012/2013. BMJ Open 2020;10:e045253.  doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045253
  2. Halim AS, Khoo TL, Mat Saad AZ. Wound bed preparation from a clinical perspective. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2012; 45(2): 193-202
  3. Parnham A, Bousfield C. The influence of matrix metalloproteases and biofilm on chronic wound healing: a discussion. British journal of community nursing 2018; 23: S22-S9.
  4. Newton H, Edwards J, Mitchell L, Percival SL. Role of slough and biofilm in delaying healing in chronic wounds: The management of biofilms with maintenance desloughing and antimicrobial therapy is fast becoming the accepted treatment strategy for chronic wounds. British journal of nursing 2017; 20(S20a): S4-S11.
  5. Milne J. Wound-bed preparation: the importance of rapid and effective desloughing to promote healing. British journal of nursing 2015; 24: S52-S8.
  6. Atkin L, Bućko Z, Montero EC, et al. Implementing TIMERS: the race against hard-to-heal wounds. Journal of Wound Care 2019; 28: S1-S50.
  7. Murphy C, Atkin L, Swanson T, et al. Defying hard-to-heal wounds with an early antibiofilm intervention strategy: wound hygiene. Journal of Wound Care 2020; 29(Sup3b): S1-S26.
  8. Andriessen AE, Eberlein T. Assessment of a wound cleansing solution in the treatment of problem wounds. Wounds: A Compendium of Clinical Research & Practice 2008; 20(6): 171-5.
  9. Atkin L, Stephenson J, Cooper DM. Wound bed preparation: a case series using polyhexanide and betaine solution and gel—a UK perspective. Journal of Wound Care 2020; 29(7): 380-6.
  10. Bellingeri A, Falciani F, Traspedini P, et al. Effect of a wound cleansing solution on wound bed preparation and inflammation in chronic wounds: a single-blind RCT. J Wound Care 2016; 25(3): 160, 2-6, 8.
  11. Valenzuela AR, Perucho NS. The effectiveness of a 0.1% polyhexanide gel. Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) 2008; 31(4): 7‐12.
  12. Vernon T, Moore K, Collier M. Development and integration of a wound cleansing pathway into clinical practice. Br J Nurs. 2021 Nov 2;30(Sup20):S18-S26. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2021.30.Sup20.S18. PMID: 34781765.